Local Help Starting A Business In China

There are many hurdles to doing business in a place like China.  Businesses from the U.S. are at a disadvantage overseas because of rules and regulations from what one can purchase, to requirements to rent land and sell products within China.  One must also overcome transportation currency exchange, and language barriers.  In order to do all this, it is best for a company to hire a consulting firm with expertise in Chinese trade.

Well-known Consulting Companies

  • EMC Compliance Management
  • TUV America
  • Emerge Logistics
  • Approved Specialists, Inc.

Emerge Logistics Consulting

Emerge Logistics is known for providing US and European companies with high quality distribution operations support in China.  This company has a good grasp of China’s rules and regulations; enough to make a profit as an organization that stores, transports, and (most important to some), deals with the legal requirements of the Chinese government

Emerge Logistics Services

The major service Emerge offers is invoicing services.  Emerge is useful as a licensed trading entity. Emerge provides a local currency invoicing service that enables companies to forego setting up their own legal entity.  This allows business owners to ensure they will have all the needed certifications to do business in China with Emerge Logistics as “…the legal consignee for your inventory or warranty shipment to China”.

This consulting firm also offers storage and transportation of goods.  Having, reliable inventory management for people who need to store products they are planning to source from China is useful.  This saves one the need to get certification from the Government to rest land (this is difficult, as the person who allows you to rend will also need to get a certification from the government), as well as the cost of renting.  Taking care of both storage and transportation, Emerge Logistics can adequately “provide reliable, customer friendly, and web accessible order processing support for …purchasers sourcing from the China market.”

Emerge Logistics Fees

The cost for these services varies greatly.  It is dependent on the amount of product one is seeking, and the regulation and certifications needed for that product, Costs of storing and transporting the good also factor in.  There is no given listing of prices for these services online.  These services will not be cheap, considering it is safer and faster than getting all the proper certifications from the government, (also frees one from the cost of those certifications).